Mild Winter So Far – Stripers Easy to Locate
Report Date: December 6, 2012
As of mid-December, the water is 16 feet low and 59°. It is looking like another mild winter so far on Lake Hartwell . Stripers are moving up the lake and into the major creeks, following the bait fish. It is easy locating fish, with the first step finding seagulls and loons. If gulls are in the area, stripers are probably close.
They are more active on overcast days. If it is bright sun, look for them deeper. Try fishing 30 to 40 feet deep near the bottom in the creek channels. Sunny days are best for working a jigging spoon on the bottom. A herring fished near the bottom also works. If fish are feeding in the surface, throw small flukes and or pull free lined herring. If the water temperature falls below 47°, they become in active and hard to catch.
Some people have success trolling umbrella rigs when the water gets real cold. Last year the water never got below 50° and stripers and hybrids stayed active all winter. With the low water levels, watch out for navigation hazards. They are not all marked, even between the red and green buoys. Wear a life jacket because hypothermia will set in very quickly. Have a plan to get back into the boat with wet clothes on.
The photo is of Dan Kelly from Wolf Creek Montana. He caught a 12 pound striper on 12 /6/12, using a 1/8 ounce jig and a tiny zoom fluke.
Preston Harden
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